Crostata ou Galette is a challenge I decided to do after discovering the Italian Crostata and the French Galette are very similar in ingredients and preparation. Which one of the two free form pies would reign supreme and be crowned Queen of the blog?
Caveat .... Okay I have to admit I've been watching way too much Snow White and the Huntsman and playing too much pyramid game, so I apologize for the analogy .. on with the story... I invited a few friends/family for their honest and subjective opinion. An invitation was sent out utilizing the Lady E Cooks Facebook page and two weeks later we converged on my friends Gallery for pastry tasting, champagne sipping and a few hours of pure laughter.
Caveat .... Okay I have to admit I've been watching way too much Snow White and the Huntsman and playing too much pyramid game, so I apologize for the analogy .. on with the story... I invited a few friends/family for their honest and subjective opinion. An invitation was sent out utilizing the Lady E Cooks Facebook page and two weeks later we converged on my friends Gallery for pastry tasting, champagne sipping and a few hours of pure laughter.
Second aplology .... For the poor quality of the photos. I was doing one of the cardinal sin of blogging... rushing. The Tasters were to arrive between 2 pm and 6 pm PST. And BOY OH, BOY! Did they show up! Most of the people invited had never tasted my food or baked goods, which I purposely designed. In addition the Tasters were individuals who either admire food or are Foodies themselves.
How did I conceal which was a Galette and which was a Crostata slice? On the bottom of each plate a letter "C" or "G" was written. Each Taster was given a slice of each and instructed to base their opinion on the quality, texture and taste of the crust. The filling was made of peach with no frills. Just a simple filling not to distract from the crust. Whichever pastry they preferred, they were to hand back the plate which held their preferred pie.
Each Taster handed their preferred plate to me and without question each person said, "... is there more?" or "... can I have another slice?". Music to a Culinarian's ears! Thank goodness I made a total of four pastries each. Two Crostata and two Galette.
Drum roll, please.... after 10 guest and 20+ plates later the vote was nine pro Galette and one for Crostata. The winner was the Galette. I know, I was surprised, too. I've been making Crostata for the past 3 years. I have to admit ... I did taste the free form pie and hands down the Galette was the winner. Why? Well the Tasters said, the Galette was more flavorful, flakier and complimented the peaches, tasted lighter and less dense. I felt the same way... the Galette has a different rolling method, at least by Julia Child and Jacque Pepin recipe.
So after two bottles of sparkling wine, four pastries and one uber tired Lady E ... we all sat back and had a candied-free flowing conversation with one of my favorite Artist in the Bay Area. Jimi Evins held court (another Kingdom reference) and discussed his work, the Gallery and his life as a Artist. The Gallery is a feast for the eyes. Each turn uncovers the history of his vision as an Artist and his talent. If you'd like to see more of Jimi Evins work go to: or visit his Facebook page
The Galette will be featured going forward as the premier pastry on Lady E Cooks. Thank you to Jimi Evins for co-hosting the taste test. Kay and Vaughn Fillmore, my Sister and Niece Rosalind Copeland and Mahlet Copeland, Cheryl Mitchel Wade, Warren Long, Ida and Jamal for your honesty, support and loaning me your taste buds on a Sunday afternoon. So grateful to have friends and family who volunteer their time on a Sunday afternoon.
Remember cooking with love makes any recipe taste better .... And, the vote is in... we love Galette!
Nous aimons, Galette!
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